Keeping Kids Safe While Strength Training

There is a lot of conflicting information regarding kids and strength training. Is it harmful? What are the long-term effects? Will my child get injured? Strength training is safe for kids when done properly and under the supervision of a coach. Let’s explore some tips for ensuring safety while strength training with kids.

1) Start Young

When you think of strength training, your mind probably goes to barbells and weights. Strength training also includes bodyweight exercises. Start young kids with bodyweight exercises like jumping, push-ups, or air squats and as they get stronger they can move up to light weights and controlled movements.

2) Use the Proper Equipment

Children are not meant to use adult-sized equipment. Opt for a 5 lb kid-sized barbell, use a smaller 4-6 lb wallball (they exist), shorter boxes, or height adjustable pull-up bars. Meet them where they are with the right stuff.

3) Teach Proper Technique

On top of using the right equipment, children need to learn how to use the right equipment. As coaches, we make sure that any kid who comes to Towpath Fitness is taught how to use equipment safely while using good form.

4) Get a Physical Before Starting

Before starting ANY training program, children should visit the doctor and get a physical examination. It is vital to rule out medical conditions that might prevent them from participating.

5) Proper Supervision

Kids who come to workout at Towpath Fitness will be instructed by a CrossFit Kids certified staff member. Any instructor working with kids must have the proper experience to work with kids and teens.

6) Proper Warm-Up & Cool-Down

A proper warm-up for kids includes 10 minutes of light aerobic activity and stretching. A cool-down should include some low-intensity cardio (walking, slower-paced rowing, etc) to bring the nervous system down slowly after amping it up during a workout.

7) Hydration

Kids and teens should be properly hydrated before any workout. The coach should also leave time in the workout for breaks to ensure continued hydration.

Strength training IS safe for kids. Mix the above tips with some fun and your kid will be hooked! Towpath Fitness offers three CrossFit Kids & Teens classes per week. As your child progresses, they can be approved to move into the regular CrossFit classes with adult members. Get started today by visiting our JOIN page or shoot us an EMAIL for more info!